Privacy Policy

Política de privacidad

Tu confianza y privacidad son de suma importancia para Robin Quest. Por esta razón, queremos estar seguros de que conozcas plenamente cómo preservamos la privacidad y protección de tus datos personales de forma íntegra, respetando las leyes correspondientes, incluidas aquellas impuestas por el Reglamento General de Protección de datos (RGPD) en Europa.

Para el funcionamiento de Robin Quest se hace necesaria la recopilación de algunos datos personales, que son utilizados de forma exclusiva para llevar a cabo las actividades intrínsecas al servicio que les estamos proporcionando, sin que esto de forma alguna implique la comercialización o distribución de los datos recabados. Robin Quest posee por ley y por respeto de nuestros usuarios, la obligación de cumplir con todos los requerimientos legales y de seguridad que permitan proteger aquellos datos privados que nos hayas proporcionado para las finalidades previamente descritas.

The protection of user data is a top priority for ROBIN QUEST. In order to utilize ROBIN QUEST services, it is necessary to register on our system, a process that requires the submission of some personal data. This data is requested with the consent of the registrant.

The processing of personal data such as: name, address, email address, telephone number, and billing information will always be in accordance with the Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and in accordance with the specific requirements of the country in which ROBIN QUEST operates. This statement about data protection is to inform the general public about the nature, scope and purpose of the personal data that we collect, use, store, and process.

Office Address:

Dirección fiscal:


  • CORAL GABLES, FL 33134
  • USA
  • EMAIL: [email protected]
  • Web site:

Datos personales

Al momento de registrarte, Robin Quest requerirá de tu parte, los datos personales que sean necesarios para el funcionamiento adecuado de la plataforma, siendo estos, de momento:

  • • Nombre
  • • Apellido
  • • País de residencia
  • • Dirección
  • • Ciudad de residencia
  • • Código postal
  • • Número telefónico
  • • País de facturación
  • • Dirección de facturación
  • • Ciudad de facturación
  • • Código postal de facturación
  • • Correo electrónico
  • • Contraseña
  • • Nombre o Razón social
  • • Número de Identificación Fiscal

Como usaremos tus datos

Los Datos Personales que nos has proporcionado serán usados únicamente con los siguientes propósitos:

  • • Todas las actividades relacionadas con nuestro servicio, el conteo de visitas a artículos con derechos de autor, y la facturación correspondiente.
  • • Notificaciones sobre nuevas características, o cambios en las características ya existentes.
  • • Estudio de los hábitos de consumo dentro de la plataforma, con la finalidad de estudiar nuevas mejoras.

Compromiso de confidencialidad

Robin Quest está 100% comprometido con tu privacidad y confidencialidad personal, y bajo ninguna circunstancia divulgará datos específicos de clientes a ningún tercero sin una orden judicial para divulgar esos datos. Para mantener tu privacidad, tomamos las medidas organizativas, técnicas y de seguridad más fuertes posibles para mantener la seguridad de su información, a fin de evitar la alteración, pérdida, visibilidad o acceso no autorizado a sus datos.


The ROBIN QUEST web site uses cookies. Cookies are small tech files that are stored on a visiting computer via a web browser. ROBIN QUEST, in order to offer you better service, will often use cookies to store minimal information about your preferences and your use of the site.

Our cookies have an expiration date of a maximum of 3 months, and do not contain any information about you that would allow some to contact you by telephone or email. The data contained in the cookies we use only contains codes that are useful to our system to identify a specific session. As a ROBIN QUEST user, you always have the ability to configure your browser in such a way that limits the lifetime of any cookie. You may also disable cookies completely. These actions may impede the functionalities of many ROBIN QUEST features.

Registration on our web site

In order to make use of our personalized services, users may register with ROBIN QUEST; registration requires the provision of some personal data. The data entered by our user is collected and stored exclusively for ROBIN QUEST internal use, and the operation of personalized ROBIN QUEST services.

ROBIN QUEST has a series of functions available for registered users who do not have contracts. However, to obtain full access to view or download digital, printed or audiovisual media, the user must acquire a contract with the company.

ROBIN QUEST may transmit some statistical, anonymous data to one or more external entities (for example: traffic analysis services such as Google Analytics). ROBIN QUEST guarantees that the personal registered data of our customers will not be shared with third parties outside the organization.

Registered users have the right to consult, modify, correct or delete their personal data at any time.

ROBIN QUEST will, at any time, provide information upon request, to any user, about the personal data stored about that user. This process will be completed within 3 working days, dated from the user's request.

In addition, the data ROBIN QUEST stores can be corrected or deleted at the request or indication of the user, to the extent that there is no legal storage obligation imposed upon ROBIN QUEST by law or regulation. This process will be completed within 7 working days, dated from the user's request.

Warranties of our Users

The user warrants to the veracity and accuracy or the data submitted to ROBIN QUEST. ROBIN QUEST reserves the right to deny services to any user that has submitted false information, without prejudice to actions that proceed in law.

Collection of data and user information

The ROBIN QUEST web site collects a set of data and general information. This data is stored in our server log files. Within this collected data, the most noteworthy is the visiting computer's external Internet Protocol (IP) address.

Additionally, we track each user's IP address to maintain a count of the number of views of each article of copyrighted content, in order to protect and safeguard the copyright of authors. Each time that our site detects a new IP address that accesses an article for the first time, this information is saved in a registry of IP addresses.

ROBIN QUEST guarantees that the data processed and submitted to our systems by our users will be protected by security measures, confidentiality, and a duty to secrecy, as well as the legal requirements as established by current regulations. We promise not to reveal said data to third parties without the express written authorization of our user, even after the expiration of user contracts, guaranteeing our custody requirements, and adopting the necessary measures to avoid alteration, loss, manipulation or unauthorized access to user data.

Storage of data

ROBIN QUEST requests and stores the following information in our new user registration form: First name, last name, email address, password, country of residence, postal code, telephone number, company name (if it applies), legal company name, CIF/DNI (for users in Spain), billing country, billing city, billing postal code.

ROBIN QUEST stores this personal data and the user IP address in a database, with the aim of storing the minimum information necessary to provide service to our users, while complying with copyright protection laws.

This data is stored for such time as clients continue as clients of ROBIN QUEST. The data will be removed within one week of making a request to our staff to remove their account. As registered users without an active contract still make use of certain functionalities of our system, as a courtesy to them, we do not remove their data until explicitly requested by the user themselves.

ROBIN QUEST stores the above mentioned data for the following reason:

• The data is necessary to comply with the intellectual copyright law, which includes requirements of payments to the publishers for each unique viewer of a protected, published article.

• In case it is necessary to share statistical and anonymous information with data analysis tools or agencies that are responsible for ensuring copyright.

• For the purposes of billing and tax r eporting.

• In order to personalize our products and services, such as: headers for PDFs, search in the user's country of origin, to display the correct currency values, among others.

Data protection

The data that is entered in our platform via registration as well as each of the transactions made by users of ROBIN QUEST are stored in our database servers.

Our database servers are only accessible through our internal network. These servers are protected by RSA public/private key pairs, and only authorized technical ROBIN QUEST personnel have access using such keys.

Stored sensitive data (such as passphrases) are deeply encrypted by our system, making use of such tools as OpenSSL to generate said keys with AES-256 and AES-128 encryption schemas.

These tools convert the passwords into long strings of characters of such form and complexity that they cannot be decoded by any person or computer system.

Commitment to Confidentiality

ROBIN QUEST commits to maintain the secrecy and confidentiality of personal data, and and assumes, for these purposes, the technical, organizational and security measures necessary to prevent their alteration, loss, treatment or unauthorized access, in accordance with the provisions of Organic Law 15, December 13, 1999, "Protection of Personal Data", and other applicable laws.

Subscription to Newsletters/Alerts

Upon registration with ROBIN QUEST, the user is automatically subscribed to receive informative information bulletins about ROBIN QUEST services. These emails include information related to: promotions, changes or improvements to the system, error reports or warnings, or other information. It is possible to unsubscribe to these bulletins at any time, by following the following link:

Contact through the web site

The ROBIN QUEST web site contains a web form that allows any user to contact our staff. When a user contacts ROBIN QUEST, the personal data provided by the submitter is stored automatically, in order to facilitate later contact about your area of interest. These data are for internal ROBIN QUEST use, and we promise not to disseminate this information to third parties.

Changes to the privacy policy

ROBIN QUEST may change its privacy policy after notification to its registered users via email.

Storage of data

ROBIN QUEST requests and stores the following information in our new user registration form: First name, last name, email address, password, country of residence, postal code, telephone number, company name (if it applies), legal company name, VAT number or company registration, billing country, billing city, billing postal code.

User's Rights

ROBIN QUEST users have the right to file any complaints if they disagree with any portion of our Privacy Policy.

Robin Quest utiliza cookies. Archivos de texto que se almacenan en tu navegador. Estos contienen códigos que permiten a nuestro sistema identificar una sesión y de esta forma, optimizar tu experiencia como usuario.

Las cookies en Robin Quest tienen una validez de tres meses, y no contienen ningún tipo de información que permita a nadie contactarlos vía telefónica o correo electrónico. Puedes configurar tu navegador para corroborar la duración de las cookies, o para denegar el acceso de Robin Quest a ellas.

Almacenamiento de información por parte de Robin Quest

Robin Quest almacena tus datos y tu dirección de IP en una base de datos. Almacenamos el mínimo necesario para hacer funcionar nuestros servicios, a la vez que cumplimos con las respectivas normas de derechos de autor. Almacenamos tus datos para permitirte utilizar nuestros servicios. Tus datos pueden ser eliminados en cualquier momento, 5 días después de habernos notificado que deseas que removamos tus datos de nuestra plataforma. Los datos siguen estando almacenados para usuarios registrados que no poseen un contrato activo, de esta forma, el usuario podrá seguir utilizando nuestros servicios de forma limitada, hasta que nos notifique que eliminemos sus datos.

Almacenamos tus datos para los siguientes propósitos

  • - Facturación
  • - Para asegurarnos cumplir con las leyes de propiedad intelectual en los diversos países donde operamos
  • - Para personalizar nuestros productos y servicios

Derechos a acceder, editar y remover tus datos personales

Todos y cada uno de nuestros usuarios tienen derecho a acceder, rectificar y eliminar sus datos privados en nuestra base de datos, para hacerlo efectivo, debes enviar un correo electrónico a [email protected], en caso de solicitar acceso, la petición se procesa en un plazo de 5 días hábiles, en caso de modificación o eliminación, el proceso dura 7 días hábiles.

Email: [email protected]
